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Weekly Camp Meeting and Mike Tyson

Let's be honest. Mike Tyson was punched in the face thousands of times yet he still had 50 wins, 44 KOs, and only 6 professional losses.

How did he still win while also being punched in the mouth?

Because he knew it wasn’t the end when it happened. He knew it wasn’t the end when his competitor did the unexpected. He knew it wasn’t the end if he was lying in the middle of the ring.

In his heart, he knew who he was meant to be, where he was meant to go, and he prepared for these situations. Yes, Mike Tyson trained for years on recovering after being struck down, and he had a plan to raise his arm in the air no matter the situation.

The one thing you can expect when you enter the ring is that you are going to get punched in the face. It’s the same with early and growth-stage businesses—you are going to get punched in the face but you need a process and ability to keep going.

Is your plan built with a cadence to keep your team going no matter what? Be prepared for the unexpected by keeping your team together and developing a cadence to stay the course with the Weekly Camp Meeting™ format:

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